Monday, January 19, 2009

Death is a SAMPLE GIRL?

This is one of the creepiest ads I have seen to date! While I can't photoshop cool things to alter what you see here, I believe the creep factor speaks for itself. When I first saw it on tv, I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that death was actually skulking around town, all those people in the ad would be running and screaming and many 911 calls would be placed about the 'nutjob in the death getup wielding a machete-thingy'.

It gets even worse near the end of the ad when 'death figure 01' pulls off the hood and cloak and presto! She now morphs easily into a Dallas-cheerleader-esque uh... SAMPLE girl and the ad makes a reference to cigarette samples.



I don't recall cigarette samples. I'm not THAT old. Or maybe I am not old ENOUGH?

1 comment:

  1. yeah... the cigarrette girl is an old old thing... we're talking the 1930's and 40's...
    I think the anti smoking people need a good swift kick in the head...
