Well today's workout was fun! I mapped out a new course of about 3.5 miles on mapmyrun.com and then ventured out to run it. Mostly I was testing to see if I could run a 5K in under 30 minutes - guess what? My total loop was 32, so based on what I estimate to run almost half a mile, I ran a 28:30ish 5K. My avg for the 3.5 run total was 9:30, I'm happy with that. Now if I can just keep my avg to 9:30 or less when I run the next 10K distance....
An interesting thing about mapmyrun is that in the mapped route it looked like the road extended all the way to where I wanted to run - ha, when I got to a certain point I had to run past a blockade at the end of the road and onto dirt. Oh well, trail running is good practice, right? It has been so long since I've actually run on dirt and trails and grass, what a gigantic pain! It looks flat at first glance but it was so lumpy and I had to be careful about where I stepped while running. I have to say I prefer running on the side of the road or even on the sidewalk. I like track surfaces too as long as they aren't dirt tracks, but running on a track in my opinion is kind of boring like a treadmill. Part of the joy of running outside is the scenery and watching what you pass by... and enjoying how quickly you watch it fade away behind you =)
I'm feeling good today, I want to share it. You can do anything, just believe it. I can, and I do.
6 years ago
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