Friday, May 22, 2009

A Life Without Regrets

For the most part I live with no regrets. I do not mean that I have made no mistakes, I have made plenty and I will keep making them, it's part of being human. However, when something seems awful at the time or feels like the biggest mistake ever, you never realize that down the road that 'awful' thing or mistake may be what brought you to where you are.

I mean I could say, gee I wish I had had a different childhood, maybe I would be a nicer person... but in reality I can say instead that I am who I am, regardless of what happened, I can CHOOSE to be a nicer person because I can. I could say that I'm a loser and I'm miserable and a failure because my ex-husband was abusive and I deserved it but NO... none of that is true. Getting divorced sucks but sometimes it is the answer to living. Sometimes loss and pain in life that seem like it will destroy you gives you empathy, and courage. That enables you to be what other people in your life now or in the future need...

I always 'wish I had known better' when I realize I did something dumb lol. That doesn't mean I want to undo the dumb things I did. I think the dumb things I did help to make me the person I am today.... the person I would not be if any of those dumb things were undone or undo-able. I wouldn't wish that. I am very happy.... life is an adventure. If I died tomorrow, I would die with everything I ever wanted. I love myself and somebody loves me... I have children and I am a mommy. I've been married, I've been in love and I am in love. I have experienced so many things, and I have so many blessings. I believe in myself, I trust myself, and I would do almost anything out there.... if I felt like it. I have very little fear of anything, and I don't care much what other people think of me. If it's good, it's a bonus, but if it's bad, I don't give a rip lol. I don't live for other people and I'm not a conformist.

Honestly, the only times I have had regret is when I have listened to someone else INSTEAD of trusting my own intuition. I have had chaos and catastrophe happen when against my better judgement I trusted someone else, even sometimes somebody who is trustworthy - IF their suggestion or advice really went against my gut. I have learned it's better to hurt someone's feelings and say no than to spend any more of my life regretting anything, even if it's small.

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