Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Political Rant Saved for Posterity....

You are NOT imagining anything and neither am I. I suppose since the threads were deleted, I can't actually go back and look at how I replied but I do tend to say the same things repeatedly just to make a point. That way, people who know me can look at my responses in several related topic threads and see the similarities in what I've posted - and KNOW it's me. I'm CLEAR when it comes to how I feel about something I'm passionate about, I leave no room for error. In fact, occasionally I get accused of being stubborn, defiant, closed-minded, assertive, aggressive, direct - but you know, those can be good things too. I'll stand my ground.

I have always had something to say about how I am suspicious or questioning of Obama's actions, policies, ideas, thoughts, campaign, and anybody who works for/with him. We are supposed to be a country run by the people, WE are supposed to elect OUR government and WE are supposed to have the final say about anything that government does. If our approval rating of OUR government is poor AND WE disagree with what OUR government is doing, they should not be doing it. BOTTOM LINE.

YES we have the right to question and oppose what OUR government does, and it doesn't mean racism and it is NOT personal! For the most part I have not directly been involved with people calling ME racist - however! People have called MY FRIENDS racist! I have heard people calling EACH OTHER racist when they have said nothing more eyebrow raising than 'I voted for Bush'. Mmmmkay. How do YOU know what motivated someone to vote the way they do? Don't you dare propose that you KNOW when you haven't even ASKED the other person. Cripes. Again, FOR THE RECORD, I wouldn't care if Obama was black, green, purple, orange, or polka dotted with yellow stripes, tie dyed, or from Jupiter, if he had the SAME policies, ideas, campaign, and supporters, I'd still disagree with him. So. After that, do you think you can REALLY still call me racist? I dare you. [em]rasp[/em]

Let's gather around and hold hands and sing kum bah yah and pretend everybody is the same on the outside, please, for heaven's sakes. With that as the setting, it's much easier to see that POLICIES are why we feel the way we do.

As far as people who want us all to shut up - this is still a free country. We have the freedom of speech. We WILL continue to have the freedom of speech. If you feel threatened by our freedom of speech, perhaps you should examine WHY you feel that way. Do you think that you'll somehow be screwed over if suddenly you are held responsible for calling US racists? maybe you should have thought about what you said and how you said it before you well.... said it.

I strongly believe that people who go about calling each other racists say so out of 'victim' mentality. It's a low blow.... they can't come up with anything relevant to say to strike back, so it always goes back to racism. If not racism, then it's something else, like gender, or perhaps... the environment. Or religion. Always something that's a hot topic that gets people all bent out of shape. Over nothing.

I will now beat my head against a brick wall. I am saving a copy of this to pull out when I need it to prove I said it in 11 months.

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