Saturday, February 26, 2011

Go Go Ragnar!

I've been browsing the site and discovered there's a listing of all the teams and stats from 2009 and 2010, and of course our team lists for 2011! One interesting stat is that the team number totals have more than quadrupled since 2009! That year there were 105 teams, in 2010 there were 282, guess how many there are this year? 460!! I'm not sure when the total cut off is to register but that is a ton!

I've been having a lot of fun reading through the lists and I thought I'd share a list of my favorite names... don't laugh too hard!

Pavlov's Dogs
Why the F**K are we doing this?!
Ask about my B.R.
Runny Eggs
Mike & Ikes
The Loony Bin
May the course be with you
Peer Pressure Works!
O Van, Where Art Thou?
I blame the voices
On the Rag
ahh gah!!
The Village People
Running Impaired
Designated Drinkers

Are we there yet?
Running from Responsibility
Got lost on our way to the 5K
Freak Show
Prefontaineous Combustion
Seven Chicks & Five Dicks
Shut Up and Run Some More
We Love Nike!!
Mind over reality
FRESH (Friends running every stinking hour)
Don't be last
No Clue Yet
Just Do It. Tiger Would.
Pirate Ninja Alliance
Foxes United (FU)
The 12 Pack
Our drinking team has a running problem
Logistical Nightmares
Crawly Llamas
Fellowship of the Rag
morons (moms out running on no sleep)
Dumb and Dumber
Free Tshirts? We're in!
Dude, where's our car?
In the morning, I'll make waffles
Don't tell me to run faster, I VOLUNTEERED!
A 12 step program
51 kids home alone
12 Monkeys
If I'm not back in five minutes...just wait longer!
Kanye better let us finish
Run with Dick and Jane
WTF?! (where's the finish?!)
Pound sand
It was a good idea in January

Too stupid to not start, too stubborn to not finish
abandoned cactus tramps
we ditched school to do this?
starbucks allstars
arrogant masters
running without a full deck
pants optional
dexter's midnight runners
the most interesting team in the world
sexual relay-shuns
anti-love handles
half a team, half a brain
sugar coated whoop ass
Wii not fit
motley shues
My SoCal'd Life
slow twitch stupidity
running wild again
fast times at ragnar high
smart ass council
spanking machine
severe tire damage
where the wild things run
directionally challenged
away team
half case of runners
can't even run straight
long distance RELAY-tionship
speed is relative
haulin asphalt
If I have to stop this van, someone is gonna get spanked!
Road Rage
Poison Apples
set phasers to run
who talked us into this?
rowdy with a chance of awesome
I'd rather be shopping
warped speed
I thought this was a 5K...
Resist the B.S.
I've made a huge mistake
Jack's combo #12
the discarded sneakers
you can't fix stupid
Do you think I will still have to do chores after this?

So many of these were GREAT! My teams are Road Rage and Poison Apples, it's nice to see we were at least original.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Running... there's an app for that!

I am not in possession of an iPhone and I actually make fun whenever possible, hence the name for this posting! I will admit though with the truth behind 'there's an app for that', there certainly IS an app for almost everything, and they even make them for Android OS! I downloaded an app for running yesterday. Okay, I lied. The app doesn't actually run FOR me =D.

Yesterday I went out for my 5K training run on my loop here and got mapmyrun ready to enter my stats when I got back. It was all well and good, and I had checked my time when I had less than a quarter of a mile left to go, so I was pretty sure I'd make a better time than my previous, which had been 26:35. That was about the time I thought to check my pockets for my house key... and I discovered that I must've dropped it somewhere. My joy at running a 26:10 was quickly replaced by 'OH crap, I wonder how quickly I can run it again and see if I can find the damn key before I have to get back home and pick up my daughter from school'. It would never do to be running around the neighborhood with my eyes glued to the ground, hunting for a key while some of my friends drove by asking if I realized school was out. Part of my loop goes right past the school so I thought about just walking back there and waiting, but I ended up going home instead. I probably walked an extra mile just seeing if I'd get lucky and spot the stupid key.

Enter run number two! One of my friends who is going to be running the Ragnar with me had been messaging me earlier to see if I wanted to go run with her. She lives in a fairly hilly neighborhood so it's a great place to run. I'm a glutton for punishment obviously so I called her back and said sure. Her goal was just to run about a mile, because she was wiped out, she's had sick kids and no sleep, so part of me going over there was motivation and company. THAT was when she showed me RunKeeper, which is this cool little app for iPhone. Once you load it up and start it, it keeps track of your distance, your avg pace, it even shows a gps map of where you are. I think it keeps track of calories burned too, and it shows splits as a graph so you can see how evenly you run as far as speed. Afterwards, you can save your workout or upload it or share it.

The run was pretty fun, we ended up doing more of an 11 min pace but we ran 3.5ish miles total, and I really liked the whole stat-gathering aspect of RunKeeper. I looked it up later and am disappointed to report I haven't been able to find the same exact app but I did find JogTracker, which operates almost the same, and there's an option on there somewhere that 'speaks' stats to you. I haven't tested it yet, that's on today's list of things to do so I'll see if I can set it up to update me at mile markers for distance, speed, split time, and total time.

I'm also sorry to report that there's not actually an app for running, you still have to do it yourself - but there's a great many cool little gadgets now that make tracking how you do, where you go, etc much easier than just trying to remember. I still like my stopwatch and mapmyrun for basics but technology is fun! After all, I have a GPS in my car, without which I would be lost all the time. I purposely make my running loops easy to remember since it's not like there are race volunteers and signs on every corner preventing me from running 5 miles in the wrong direction.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

5K Fever!

So yesterday I signed up for my first 5K in almost 2 decades.. and I am pretty excited. I'll be running the Arrowhead Medical Center 5K in Colton, and I am hoping for good quiet weather ie no wind. The race isn't until March 12th so I still have a few weeks to train, and I just mapped myself a new 3.2 route to make things easier.

I ran the route today because the weather was good, and lo and behold - I ran a 26:28!!! I rounded it up to 26:35 just because my route was a little off so I had to make sure I actually ran the entire distance so I could get a realistic time. A bit of my route forced me onto dirt/gravel rather than road or sidewalk, and that likely tacked on at least 10 seconds. I am hoping to run a sub 26 at the 5K race.. and to think before my run today I was just hoping for 27:30!

I'm pumped! I hit an 8:48 avg mile pace! Now if I can only train enough to make that my avg for a 10K.. hmmm.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Numbers Game

Well today's workout was fun! I mapped out a new course of about 3.5 miles on and then ventured out to run it. Mostly I was testing to see if I could run a 5K in under 30 minutes - guess what? My total loop was 32, so based on what I estimate to run almost half a mile, I ran a 28:30ish 5K. My avg for the 3.5 run total was 9:30, I'm happy with that. Now if I can just keep my avg to 9:30 or less when I run the next 10K distance....

An interesting thing about mapmyrun is that in the mapped route it looked like the road extended all the way to where I wanted to run - ha, when I got to a certain point I had to run past a blockade at the end of the road and onto dirt. Oh well, trail running is good practice, right? It has been so long since I've actually run on dirt and trails and grass, what a gigantic pain! It looks flat at first glance but it was so lumpy and I had to be careful about where I stepped while running. I have to say I prefer running on the side of the road or even on the sidewalk. I like track surfaces too as long as they aren't dirt tracks, but running on a track in my opinion is kind of boring like a treadmill. Part of the joy of running outside is the scenery and watching what you pass by... and enjoying how quickly you watch it fade away behind you =)

I'm feeling good today, I want to share it. You can do anything, just believe it. I can, and I do.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Runners are Crazy....

I did it now, not only have I not posted a blog here in almost two years, I agreed to run a race for the first time since I was 18 - that's 18 years. Some people raise a child from birth to college in that amount of time!

Oddly enough, it hasn't been all that tough getting back into it. I enjoy running once I get going, the tough part for me some days is making myself get away from the desk and start. I also used to consider myself a distance runner because I ran cross country and the distance events in track, but technically my longest races were around a 5K, with the shorter trail runs around 2.1 and of course the 1600.

I'm training for the SoCal Ragnar relay in April and I chose my leg this morning, and NONE of my legs are shorter than a 5K lol. I think I'll be okay and I'm pretty excited, but I have no true indication how things will go because I've never run a race like this before. In reality it's going to be almost like running a 5K and two 10Ks, each one separated by maybe 5-6 hours. I've never run a half marathon, never run a marathon, and the last 12K I ran was - like I said, 18 years ago.

I'm going to include some of my training runs here so I have something to look back on - when I first decided I was in and signed up a month ago, I think I was running around 2 miles a workout, 2-4 days a week. I mostly ran on the treadmill at the gym and I was running around 12 min miles. I also do some lifting and core but not a ton... probably less than an hour total a week. I've since decided I like running outside better and I mapped a route/loop near my house that's about 2.25 miles. I've been timing my runs and plugging them into cool running's pace calc, and outside I run anywhere between 9:32 mile avg down to an 8:53 mile avg. I'm planning to map a longer route so I can just run one long one instead of having to do my 2.25 mile loop three times. Today's run was 9:23, yesterday I skipped, Thursday's was 9:20, Wednesday was 8:58, Tuesday was 8:53, Monday was 9:18. I haven't figured out why they are all so different, Tuesday's was my longest run, almost 7 miles. Monday was 4.5, all the rest was 2.25 except for Thurs, I ran a total of 5 but split into two workouts. I think I need to go find a training program for 10Ks or half marathons to see how they break up the mileage and add it in week by week.